Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New promo video for RIM BlackBerry Torch

A few days ago the new promo video hit the net for waves much talked about the latest BlackBerry BlackBerry, Research In Motion, and of course we latarka in this promo video for your viewing pleasure.

Torch BlackBerry BlackBerry with promotional video 6 comes our way courtesy Of Adam on CrackBerry and provides nearly three minutes quarter BlackBerry Torch fair and promotion shows off new torch BlackBerry sell some features BlackBerry 6.

Torch BlackBerry with BlackBerry 6 is due to hit AT&T network on 12th of this month, commanding $ 199 with contract price and offers user screen half VGA 3.2 INCH touch, form factor, the physical keyboard QWERTY slider, BlackBerry 6 operating system, 4 GB of memory, microSD expansion to 32 GB, 5 megapixel auto-focus 802jack 11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3.5 mm.

Then all that remains is for legs, mash play button and enjoy watching this new promotional video for the latest mobile technology with Research In Motion, BlackBerry latarka.

View the original article here

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