Thursday, August 5, 2010

RIM BlackBerry 6 OS Platform released

Here is something spoken from WES and speculated that was again in April, new BlackBerry operating system platform, which is 6.

Now after launch BlackBerry today that torch here we inform about research in motion RIM has decided to come clean, best of all the details of the new operating system.

Thanks to the recent article by Chris Ziegler period on we can share you some details of refreshing. of course, is renaming the BlackBerry OS for simply BlackBerry.

The software is said to contain many updates including new universal search function, social network aggregation.also wireless powered media sync with music collections and WebKit based browser, desktop, which has support for HTML5.RIM also are committed to bringing 6 update for BlackBerry Bold 9700 as, 9650 bold and Pearl 3 g.

View the original article here

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