Sunday, August 8, 2010

Medallion Motorola T Mobile soon promises

About a month ago, Motorola T Mobile launched a charm, but then ran into problems, such as Android Smartphone OS has not yet been released.

Smartphone is listed cheap focus on consumer model.recent by Hardy Ed over at brighthand explained that now posted on the site, it is a message that States that Motorola is coming soon, although not reported were any specific date.

However, the rumor is that it will hit shops T Mobile on 25 August. The charm of the tablet device is intended to be in the shape of a small keyboard fixed below the touch screen QVGA 2.8 inch.

The device runs on Android OS 2.1 Google and come with a new version of the Motorola software that enables synchronization of contacts, messages, MotoBlur messages and also, of course, photos.charm Motorola will support voice GSM T Mobile and will also offer HSPA 3 G to 3.6Mbps, WiFi and 3-megapixel camera with 2 GB microSD memory card GPS receiver and much option very nice for those that are aware of spending largely on Smartphone in total only 75 dollars with year two of the agreement and mail in rebate.

View the original article here

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