Wednesday, August 4, 2010

UltraSn0w iPhone 4 iOS 4.0.1pl2 unlock review and how

Dev Team are working hard and just released the new update, this time is a new software ultrasn0w which will unlock Apple iPhone 3 g, 3GS and 4.

The UltraSn0w unlock new above called while it is running iOS 4.0.1pl2 according to download iPhone Blog is a new update is compatible with iPhone 3 g/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04 and transmission iPhone 4 01.59.00.

The above recommended purchase UltraSn0w in Cydia under the repo repo666. ultrasn0w. com these details on how to unlock iPhone 4 4.0.1pl2 IOS with UltraSn0w so Please read.

If you visit here you get step-by-step guide and tutorial on how to unlock iPhone 4 using UltraSnow 1.0-1, fun peeps.Please visit the dev team blog for more information.

After the above please if you could let us know what you're running and what gives, also we want to know if you have any problems and of course, if it runs without problems.

View the original article here

1 comment:

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