Friday, December 3, 2010

Djay iOS applications for the Apple iPad available: Promo Video

If you enjoy rotating disks and game DJ and Proud owner of the Apple iPad, now you can enable these disks iOS devices as an application for the Apple iPad Djay hits store application now.

In accordance with article about 9to5 Mac via MacRumors app Djay on virtual turntables iPad provides an interface that allows the user to zero with full access to the music library with iPad.

Request of Djay iPad is optimized for iOS 4. 2 and includes features such as interface phonographs controls low latency realistic, perfect integration of radio, complete Visual wavelength from beatsyncronised friction, scratching with high-quality, live recording, mixer, rhythm and EQ and many more.

We have a short promotional video applications for the iPad Djay, which are visible below and applications can now be downloaded to your Apple iTunes iPad as cost $ 19. 99 … enjoy.

View the original article here

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