Sunday, August 8, 2010

Apple Exec Mark Papermaster was fired about iPhone Antenngate 4?

Apple has received a lot of flak over 4 antennagate iPhone and Apple execs Giles superior are somewhat upset that happened the first and, finally, someone has to pay for such big blunder; it seems that Mark Papermaster could be the first case.

In accordance with article by Marc Flowers IntoMobile Apple confirmed reports the New York Times, Mark Papermaster, exec in charge of equipment left the company.

Although it is not clear whether Papermaster left on his own initiative or was fired, Steve Dowling, Apple Spokesperson commented that Papermaster "is leaving the company and Bob Mansfield, Senior Vice-President of Macintosh hardware engineering is assuming its responsibilities"

However, according to John Gruber Ryan Daring Fireball ... "From what I heard, of course, that he was canned. Papermaster was noticeably absent Antennagate press conference.inside Apple, is responsible for the antenna guy "— this is a quote from the source Back on 23 July. (Another quote from the same source: "apparently Forgetting antenna used have chip on the ")

If true, it seems that Papermaster has paid a price for the issue of antenna iPhone 4.What do you think, Papermaster on its own decision or who was fired antennagate?

View the original article here

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