Monday, August 9, 2010

BlackBerry RIM reacts torch; iPhone and Android?

All new research in motion BlackBerry torch appears to be completely rethink new blackberries, as Research In Motion has never before has pushed out of touch screen slider and combined physical QWERTY.

Torch BlackBerry also sports a new BlackBerry 6 operating system, which is intended to compete with similar Android and iOS, but although it is a cool new device torch BlackBerry will be able to stand up against iPhone and Android over time?

Well we have video Aaron Baker dog phone giving your opinion on this subject, which originally was specially says BlackBerry device business with people who also secondary phone for personal use, such as the iPhone But now with arrival. torch BlackBerry device is business and personal, and then there should be no more than Smartphone additional personnel.

As torch BlackBerry could have new customers to Research In Motion?It is doubtful that the iPhone or Android users would defect, but only you can stop the torch BlackBerry BlackBerry rim defecting usages.check out the video below and let us know your thoughts by leaving a comment.

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