Wednesday, August 4, 2010

BlackBerry 9800 officially designated in accordance with the Google ads torch?

For some time been rumoured new BlackBerry smartphone from research in motion 9800 bearing moniker Torch, but so far torch BlackBerry 9800 was just rumor.

However, in accordance with article over at CrackBerry by Bla1ze, BlackBerry, site MiBlackBerry Spandish managed to snatch a selection on the Google ads, which in fact bring slightly to handle torch officialdom.

In this way Google ads have the latest smartphone BlackBerry Camp RIM as torch 9800, then it seems that henceforth 9800 BlackBerry will actually be sport moniker Torch, although it was not yet confirmed by its edges.

So what Our readers think sorry BlackBerry, it is not as torch handle or you prefer something different about 9800?

View the original article here

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