Monday, May 2, 2011

Samsung free Droid by Verizon launch delayed

For the Android faithful that we participated in the Verizon Droid make Samsung free to purchase today 28 issue that is a disappointment for word is loading Droid Samsung now has been postponed until the release.

In accordance with the guys over at Engadget get email Verizon internal, that apparently says that the launch of Samsung Droid fee is delayed due to "unforeseen delays" and Verizon has not given a new date for the start.

Word is that the Droid has been delayed due to the failure of the network from Verizon 4 G LTE; But apparently, the guys heard that 4 G LTE network is gradually being restored, but say it is unlikely that the Droid Samsung launches today.

Unfortunate for those who expect to fine tune your order Droid Samsung Android today, but we hope that the Big Red will get their LTE sorted and Putting smartphone 4 g as soon as possible. Not every wrong they can obtain a free Droid today?

View the original article here

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