Sunday, May 1, 2011

App Store may be exceeded by Android market

IOS fanboys are quite fond of touting Apple fact App Store is the largest and the most and that Android lingers behind, but this may not be the case for much longer, according to a recent report from the study.

In accordance with the phone Arena researcher from Distimo reports that the latest analysis shows that the number of app: Android market increased by nearly 16 percent in March compared with just 6 per cent in the App Store.

Here's what the report says, "if all stores applications maintain their current growth rate, approximately five months from now, Google Android market will be the largest store in the number of applications, followed by the Apple App store iPhone and iPadBlackBerry Windows Phone 7 application and Nokia Ovi MarketplaceMundo."

However, saw in the previous report that developers are more likely to develop for Android, that iOS and then this new report is now at least is required with a pinch of salt.

Having said that, sooner or later, My guess is Apple will have to waive a claim the majority of applications for Android, Android market now appear to offer more free applications from the App Store with the Android having 134.342 as iOS is only a matter of time before 121845 ….

View the original article here

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