Monday, May 2, 2011

Nokia Royal Wedding demand for Smartphones, applications

With just one day before the Romans fairy tale between Kate and wills is finalized with the Royal Wedding, which will be observed from the eagerly anticipated by millions worldwide, Nokia want to add to the excitement of two wedding-related applications that are available for download now from store Ovi.

The marriage between Kate and wills, undoubtedly, will be referred to as "the wedding of age", so far, so for further inhibited in any case, why not download "Royal Wedding" ITN app. this application will allow you to keep up with the latest news and developments, with lots of video content you use in the spirit of things, including the source of the video directly to the Smartphone big day.

App Royal Wedding will present can be ITN Great ceremony develops and is completely free to download from Ovi store now.

With the Great Friday promises for real storybook wedding at better to mark the occasion than with app wills and Kate Real Love Story? Rich chapter about 10 with text and images, this application offers insight into the real history of the couple, a look behind the scenes of the young Duke of relationships with parents. App real Love Story takes you on a voyage of discovery of the first meeting on the road today, available for download from the Ovi store for £ 1. 00.

These two Nokia lets you engrossed for hours in the compilation to the actual wedding, details of the breakthrough coming for us by the NokNok. So don't delay in getting these applications and please let us know what you think.

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