Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kingdom of HTC portrayed another new Android Smartphone

Well, it seems that the old HTC has more than a new smartphone Android zwabic the client we only learned about the HTC is flecks and now another new phone HTC gets presented called Kingdom of HTC.

Guys over at Pocket spots now Kingdom HTC in the same location as the HTC, 911 blog and say that the Sniper new phones Android is similar to Verizon HTC Thunderbolt, runs the Android operating system and has a display of qHD.

As a pilot HTC HTC does not come with any word, than you can expect the specifications, but the wise apparently Kingdom may be different smartphone HTC went to Europe, but not with a view of it from them should sport qHD HTC sense 3. 0.

And that's all we can say about the Kingdom, but, of course, HTC now bring you more information about the device when it becomes available.

View the original article here

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