Friday, April 1, 2011

Microsoft launch NFC technology like software in your Windows

Microsoft may go against Google and Apple, as far as mobile technology? This is a good question considering that Microsoft Corp. is working on a new version of Windows phone to a similar technology, NFC.

Microsoft is getting on the document, where you can simply buy products with rapid movement of the player and check-out counter.

This is great news If Microsoft adds mobile payments technology to the operating system for smartphones, hopefully, when this happens, it will move forward a step or two to reduce the difference between Google and software.

Possibly for the first mobile phones with this new technology may be launched this year, if everything goes according to plan, the new Microsoft software in accordance with is based on the message box in the vicinity of the call. Google has introduced features of NFC on their devices in 2009 and Apple are working on it now.

Do you think Microsoft with new technologies, mobile payments, you can close the gap in the market against Google and Apple?

View the original article here

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