Saturday, April 2, 2011

Inode Windows Update 7 for users of local Pro phone T-Mobile, Dell

If you are a local Dell T-Mobile Pro users will receive update node of Windows Phone 7 first, Dell announced that it will be two updates are available, and is the first Windows Phone 7 this node began to develop.

I-node is update already everything waiting because it brings the expected much copy and paste functionality, and some Tweaks and fixes.

HTC HD7 owners are already benefiting from new updates from the node by, a new firmware update is on the horizon, but we do not know much about it as of yet. You will be notified more when we learn more.

If you already have the update node of Windows Phone 7, please let us know how much was added to the collection, we would like to know if you found a problem or if everything is working perfectly. Thank You.

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