Sunday, April 3, 2011

Controversial WankoMeter Android App: Your reviews.

OK, C'mon, when I saw this Android app laughed and thought, that is to be some kind of April Fools Day prank, but it seems that the controversial application is actually available for download from the Android market.

App listed above is called WankoMeter and, of course, does not require any explanation of what he refers to himself pleasuring men and apparently is applications allow individuals to control and improve their performance.

However, apparently app WankoMeter devices Android already seen more than 30,000 downloads in the past few weeks and Gagner 4 stars. 5 Android market, so that one can assume that there are certain guys have available with yourself.

Now I'm all for gender, drag out of dark corners where he has relatives in the past, but offering the application, which is basically to help a person achieve perfect pleasure Auto Act is to take things a little too far you do not you think?

Of course, the app would never WankoMeter in the Apple iPhone App Store, but not Android does not seem to be so picky when it comes to controversial, available applications, which can be downloaded by any person regardless of age.

Therefore, we would like to know your opinion about app Wankometer, it is good or bad market Android allowed the application, should come with a warning and somehow be limited on grounds of age, which requires the use of a credit card, you may download as now the application is free from the Android market.

Regardless of Your opinion about WankoMeter, if it should be deleted, or is providing services to men, we want to you can submit your vote in our poll below ... Many thanks.

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