Saturday, April 2, 2011

Angry birds River market Android applications released

The next instalment of the popular cross-platform mobile game, angry birds, angry birds River was originally exclusive to the Appstore Amazon Android and users have to pay for the privalage download and play application.

However, according to Boy Genius report, which is now the exclusive and Rovio launched angry River birds for Android Android market and about time too; In addition, the use of river angry birds is free.

When the Rovio gave angry birds River exclusively for Amazon essentially cut off millions of fans angry birds international as anyone outside the United States could not be downloaded again, the application so at least now Rovio, who placed the users a simple and international, and grab the app from the Android market.

Birds frown you already get to smash in the face of sometimes pigs green, but had to release the bird cages in the usual way to start the birds frown. The application has 2 sections of delivery including 60 hidden levels, fruit and the achievements of the now function and the application will receive updates to episodic right each month to November.

So for all the fans angry birds, that Android may not receive a new game before you can go grab it now, as I did ... the game video trailer below.

View the original article here

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