Tuesday, December 28, 2010

IPad Apple Mini each?

The Apple IPad, quickly replaced by the Apple iPad 2 sometime next year, but what the Apple iPad pierozki? In the past, there have been rumors that Apple can push the mini Player version iPad, but those rumors were cancelled by the law of the Steve Jobs iPhone guru?

May, but in accordance with article about 9to5 Mac by Jonny Evans rumors only wants to die as seemingly Jimmy Lin, pop star Taiwan has hit the image on your blog is the Apple iPad and what seems to be the Apple iPad prototype mini.

Evans says, is not, however, as the King of everything Apple, Steve Jobs is on record saying that are compressed s 7 inch "dead on arrival," having said that Samsung does not seem to agree with employment, the Galaxy Samsung.

Of course, the real problem this picture with Mini Apple iPad is the same as the singer of pop in Taiwan will be able to obtain possession of the Apple device prototypes, which nobody knows something about? This may be because the Ropes, the founder of the company's technology and pilot? Then again may only photoshopped image of what you think?

View the original article here

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