Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nokia 2030 concept Smartphone

AH magnificent world concept phone, if only all concept futurystyczne Smartphone has reached production, but it does not, but that does not prevent us from taking a look at the future possible smartphone makes space.

What we have here the concept of mobile phones and on the blog of the project is the concept of the project, the Nokia mobile 2030 was created by Jim Chan and features color display with backlit keyboard and resistant to touch the body.

Apparently objective 2030 Nokia is quick messages and occurs, though never made it to the stage of the production of titanium polished and whether the measure 2 x 4. 75 x 0.25 and apparently obtains the possibility to change the color associated with the films back color.

This topic is the Nokia device and which futurystyczne ever see hits the streets, but what Our readers think the concept, you want yourself, whether you're a 2030 Nokia if has never been available?

View the original article here

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