Sunday, March 28, 2010

Windows 7 for late 2010 HTC phone

Some really good news Peter HTC CEO, he confirmed that they have every intention to run Windows Mobile phone devices series 7 at the end of the year.

Comment Chou ends speculation that HTC can drop the new operating system, until Microsoft custom user interface.

For those who didn't know, have very strict rules for what can and cannot go in your new operating system Windows 7 and user home warzone interfaces are strictly prohibited including not.

Although this means that no manufacturer should have the right to personalize your phone with Windows 7, Microsoft can offer a consistent user experience across multiple devices. fear, however, not because Peter Chou confirmed during CTIA, who are excited about making Windows 7 phone device and its expected to be on the shelves, before the end of the year must say that we are very excited to present; it could be a reference to Obsession HTC that spilled several months ago. Source via

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