Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Skype Application to Verizon available on Thursday

During CTIA 2010 Verizon Wireless announced that Verizon smartphones users will be able to download and 9 use Mobile Skype application from 25 March Thursday Article through reports on pcworld.

The Skype Application will provide customers of company Verizon free calls and instant messages to other Skype users, however, there are some restrictions.

For Verizon Android application Skype customers can download application using Android market, while existing customers of Verizon BlackBerry, see Skype icons appear on the screen as of Thursday and will be able to locate the application Skype download folder.

Verizon customers can also Skype text to 2255, because Skype application is available and Verizon passes an SMS with a download link or may trigger Your Smartphone and visit and download.

Apparently Verizon is working on application Verizon Skype compatible with other systems and Senior Vice President of digital media and marketing for Verizon, says John Harrobin

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