Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mozilla Firefox is developing for Windows classic phone and phone number of the Windows 7

Mozilla mobile technical team lead, that Mozilla has announced Stuart Parmenter developing your mobile phone version of the classic of Firefox codenamed Fennec for Windows and Windows phone series 7 because of the direction, Microsoft Windows phone series 7, lack of support for developing native is exposed.  Here are his statement in this topic:

While we think Windows 7 phone looks interesting and has the potential to do well in the market Microsoft decided to close the original development applications. Why we do not provide unfortunately Firefox for Windows 7 phone at this time to können. Angesichts that Microsoft future your בניידים on Windows Mobile 7 (not 6.5) is a game and save that we don't know when or if Microsoft releases a genuine development kit we put on our Windows Mobile development.

Mozilla, along with other great software developers was already watching MIX10 Microsoft Conference last week and came away with the impression that it, editorialized after a large wave of announcements indicates a movement of an open platform that Microsoft touted as his trump for Windows Classic, which Apple phone closed equally series phone Excosystem Windows is 7.

Mozilla to suspend the development of Windows Mobile classic version of the Fennec, as it is currently in the queue has reached a dead end developers and many large and small software development, seems to be the active one in spite of the fact that Windows no phone series 7 devices before the holiday season started sollen. Durch be moving platform available case gave full production success of former schools such as ODMs like HTC this Microsoft location unpleasant and growing community thriving enthusiast/expert centered on an unproven software development platform, the broad support of enthusiasts, developers or consumers can enjoy the same extent and role.


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