Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Samsung Developing Signal Loss Update for Samsung Epic 4G Touch

By Humberto Saabedra on November 30, 2011

Sprint Samsung Epic Touch 4GA Samsung developer has confirmed to an Epic 4G Touch owner that the manufacturer is in the final stages of finalizing a new update for the phone that is intended to fix a long-standing issue with the phone, whereby the phone would struggle to maintain a steady signal in spotty coverage areas.

I have been having problems since I bought this phone with LoS and had been having bad customer service to the extreme which I won’t go into here.

A couple of days ago I did an executive email bomb (not the dan@icouldgive address, but their actual email addresses). Bob Johnson, the customer service top guy at Sprint personally called to apologize to me at 9pm at night. After I explained the issue, he said he would research the issue and get back to me. A top Samsung dev called me today who said he had spoke to Bob and informed me that an update was due in December. He offered to push the update to my phone now but said it was still in testing, so I declined.

He explained the cause of the issue to me. It is isolated to areas with spotty coverage, which is why some don’t experience it at all. If you are in 4g and leave 4g coverage, or in 3g coverage and leave 3g coverage, and in the process of sending packets, there is apparently a bug where the phone does not detect this and would just give up after it could no longer talk to the old tower.

As the issue is isolated to areas with sporadic coverage and areas where 3G and 4G coverage do not seamlessly overlap, the issue affects a minority of users, but is considered an issue worthy of investigation and further development to fix. What is not known, is whether the update will include other fixes for other longstanding issues, such as battery life issues and other problems.

[via XDADevelopers]

Posted in Android, Samsung, Sprint | Tagged Android, Epic Touch 4G, Samsung, sprint |

View the original article here

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