Monday, October 24, 2011

News on the Sony Ericsson Xperia

Sony Ericsson Targets Xperia Fan Websites » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Sony Ericsson Targets Xperia Fan WebsitesUnder: Phone Business & Stocks, Sony Ericsson
Date: October 24th, 2011

Well now it would appear that Sony Ericsson doesn’t think too much of fans of their Xepria range of devices especially when it come to fan sites using their trademarked name “Xperia” in their website title and is prepared to take legal action so that the fan sites don’t use it, and has resulted in the closing of one fan site called Xperiablog,net, and basically slapping the fan community firmly in the face.

According to the guys over at Phone Arena, Sony Ericsson came down hard on demanding the fan site transfer their domain over to Sony Ericsson along with another Xperia fan site domain,, obviously doesn’t have the legal muscle or finances to fight the might of Sony Ericssson and has thus been forced to shut down, with a final word from the fan site…

”We do not have the resources to fight Sony Ericsson on this and therefore this is the last you will hear from us. Sony Ericsson has made great strides in its Xperia portfolio, especially in listening to the community. This makes it all the more confusing as to why Sony Ericsson would want to shut us down. We genuinely believe that 2012 could be a bumper year for the company, we just wish we could have been there along for the ride.”

Obviously Sony Ericsson owns the Xperia name and trademark, and has the legal right to defend that name, one would have thought that when it comes to fan sites the company would have more foresight and be somewhat lenient after all a fan site does provide free advertising of their products and gets the word out there to fans.

This move if picked up by other companies could have a disastrous effect on the blogsphere when you consider how many sites use the likes of Nokia, iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and such in their names, and all open to the same treatment that Sony Ericsson has handed out if they wished.

Do you think Sony Ericsson has been over zealous in protecting the Xperia name by closing down these fan sites?

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