Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Motorola to Update Droid Bionic to Ice Cream Sandwich

By Humberto Saabedra on October 20, 2011

Motorola Droid BionicMotorola representatives have confirmed that another recent Android smartphone in their lineup will be updated to Ice Cream Sandwich in 2012 along with their latest flagship in the Droid RAZR. In a conversation on Facebook Motorola has confirmed that it will update the Droid Bionic to Ice Cream Sandwich, with more specific details such as rollout scheduling and timing to be confirmed.

As the latest Android update continues to make its presence felt after first being announced earlier this week, more and more manufacturers are confirming plans to update phones to the new version of Android, though others, such as HTC are taking a more measured approach and refusing to immediately confirm plans to release hardware or updates at this time.

Motorola DROID BIONIC ICS Confirmation

Posted in Android, Motorola, Verizon | Tagged Android, DROID RAZR, Motorola, Motorola Droid Bionic |

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