Wednesday, October 26, 2011

News on Samsung Galaxy S II

HTC Amaze 4G, Galaxy S II Comparison Fight Videos » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+HTC Amaze 4G, Galaxy S II Comparison Fight VideosUnder: Google Android, HTC, Mobile Phone Video News, Samsung
Date: October 24th, 2011

Obviously the big Android handset on the block at the moment is the Samsung Galaxy S II, and today we have a little battle of the Androids for your viewing consideration below we the Samsung Galaxy S II takes on newcomer, the HTC Amaze 4G is a comparison battle between the two handsets on T-Mobile’s network to see which smartphone can come out tops.

The Samsung Galaxy S II versus the HTC Amaze 4G two-part comparison fight comes our way courtesy of Aaron Baker over at Phone Dog who gives us his views on the differences between both Android smartphones with the joint footage lasting roughly 26 minutes.

Okay let’s kick this off with the specs of both handsets, as you no doubt are aware the Samsung Galaxy S II offers a 4.52-inch Super AMOLED Plus touch screen, 8 megapixel rear facing camera, 2 megapixel front facing camera, 1080p video, 1.5GHz dual core processor, WiFi, Bluetooth 3.0, 1GB RAM, 16GB/32GB storage, microSD expansion up to 32GB,a 3.5mm jack, and runs Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread and TouchWiz 4.0.

When it comes to the HTC Amaze 4G, the device offers a 4.3-inch qHD touch screen, 8 megapixel rear facing auto-focus camera with dual LED flash, 2 megapixel front facing camera, 1080p video, 1.5GHz dual core processor, WiFi, Bluetooth 3.0, 1GB RAM, 16GB storage, microSD expansion up to 32GB, 3.5mm jack and runs Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread and HTC Sense 3.0.

So basically when it comes to specs both devices are much the same, although according to Aaron the build quality on the HTC Amaze 4G is much better than the Galaxy S II but the GSII does offer a larger display and battery.

There is also a bit of a difference when it comes to price tag with the Samsung Galaxy S II on T-mobile costing $229.99 on the usual two-year term while the HTC Amaze 4G hits your pocket for a touch more at $259.99 again on a tow-year agreement.

So can either top the other? Well head on down to mash that play button to check out the comparison battle between these two Android powerhouses and feel free to let us know if you agree with Aaron’s appraisal…enjoy.

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Marketing Pack List Reveals Galaxy Nexus Variant for Sprint

By Humberto Saabedra on October 21, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Nexus

A screenshot of a packing list has been leaked, showing that Sprint is preparing to market their variant of the Galaxy Nexus within the next two months.

The phone was announced on Monday night with multiple variants confirmed for select carriers, including NTT DoCoMo, AT&T and Verizon Wireless, but the previously leaked specification list pulled from the NTT DoCoMo catalog before the event did not list a Sprint variant at the time, suggesting that the device has only recently been approved for sale. This is corroborated by internal inventory system changes in the last two days confirming that the phone is listed for future sale on Sprint, but no further details have been confirmed.

The Galaxy Nexus will be launched next month on Verizon Wireless as a timed exclusive with LTE support, but it is not known whether the Sprint version will include WiMax support, despite previous statements made by Sprint executives to continue releasing and supporting WiMax throughout 2012 in preparation for its transition to LTE  late next year.

Sprint Samsung Galaxy Nexus POP list Courtesy BriefMobile

Posted in Android, Samsung, Sprint | Tagged Galaxy Nexus, Samsung, sprint |

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News on iPhone 4S

Siri Chief amicably says goodbye to Apple » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Siri Chief amicably says goodbye to AppleUnder: Apple iPhone, Phone Business & Stocks
Date: October 24th, 2011

The big thing with Apple’s latest technological marvel the iPhone 4S is of course the one thing everyone is harping on about, the Siri voice assistant. Apple purchase Siri last year and now that the iPhone 4S has come out to play toting Siri, the co-founder and CEO of Siri, Dag Kittlaus, has said his goodbyes to the iPhone making company.

According to the guys over at Pocket Now by way of AllThingsD, there were numerous reasons why Kittlaus decided on a parting of the ways with Apple and all were amicable and has apparently been on the cards for some time.

Kittlaus has been CEO of Siri since 2007 and before that he was an entrepreneur at the Stanford Research Institute and has even worked for Apple rival Motorola.

As for those reasons the CEO decided to leave Apple one is because his family resides in Chicago, and “a desire to take time off and an interest in brainstorming new entrepreneurial ideas.”

Word is the Siri CEO left right after Apple launched the iPhone 4S, but will his departure affect the future evolution of Siri on iOS, well apparently more than likely no, as sources indicate that “other key execs from Siri are expected to remain at Apple.”

There has been mixed appraisals of Siri on the iPhone 4S some good some not so good, but as Siri is still a feature in its infancy no doubt Apple will be looking to make the voice assistant work much better via future updates, until then Siri will be there to at least make you smile occasionally, or pull your hair out whichever is the case.

Of course Apple will need to get a move on with improving Siri on the iPhone otherwise Android will be catching up with their own voice assistant which was recently revealed called Iris.

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Verizon Rolls Out New BlackBerry Updates

By Humberto Saabedra on October 19, 2011

Verizon BlackBerry Update

Verizon has rolled out two new BlackBerry updates for the 9930 Bold and the 9850 Torch. Beginning with the 9930 Bold, the update enables the NFC hardware in the phone while also enabling support for Push to Talk service. The rest of the changes in the update center on performance improvements and fixes. The 9850 Torch update centers on general performance improvements. Continue reading for the respective changelogs.
 BlackBerry Bold 7.0 Release 1739 (App:, Platform:

Device Features
+ Push to Talk support has been enabled.
+ Near Field Communication (NFC) feature has been enabled.
+ Improved home screen responsiveness reduces touch screen lockups.
+ Trackpad will respond the first time when touch screen is used to maximize or minimize the icon application grid and trackpad is clicked.
+ Opening an application and pressing the Back key will no longer cause the application switcher to appear.
+ Cursor will acknowledge and react by stopping scrolling when reaching the end of the screen.
+ No longer receive an “uncaught exception” error.
+ Proper rendering when scrolling within the Universal Search feature.
+ Turning off the wireless connection will not cause the device to restart unexpectedly.

Email, Messaging and Web
+ View SMS text messages or emails in their entirety.
+ When sending an SMS text message that extends to two pages, all text will appear correctly.
+ Text messages appear properly with the ability to download attachments, if applicable.
+ View Folders within the Messages application, Menu > View Folder.
+ Turning Geo-location on and off will no longer affect the browser application performance.
+ Maintain data service when moving from foreign network coverage to home network coverage.

Call Features
+ When ending an incoming voice call, your smartphone will remain active.
+ Receive incoming calls without interruption.
+ While on a call, pressing Menu > Add Participant will properly place an additional call.
+ Successfully log in with your BlackBerry ID when connected to your corporate Wi-Fi network.
+ The device will remain connected to WWAN after downloading a file using
VZAccess Manager and disconnecting the device from your computer.
+ City ID information displays properly with a contact’s company information
within the Phone application.

7.0 Release 1739 (App:, Platform: for the BlackBerry Torch 9850

Device features
+ Improved home screen responsiveness reduces touch screen lockups.
+ Trackpad will respond the first time when touch screen is used to maximize or minimize the icon application grid and trackpad is clicked.
+ Opening an application and pressing the Back key will no longer cause the application switcher to appear.
+ Cursor will acknowledge and react by stopping scrolling when reaching the end of the screen.
+ No longer receive an “uncaught exception” error.
+ Proper rendering when scrolling within the Universal Search feature.
+ Turning off the wireless connection will not cause the device to restart unexpectedly.

Email, Messaging and Web
+ View SMS text messages or emails in their entirety.
+ When sending an SMS text message that extends to two pages, all text will appear correctly.
+ Text messages appear properly with the ability to download attachments, if applicable.
+ View Folders within the Messages application, Menu > View Folder.
+ Turning Geo-location on and off will no longer affect the browser application performance.
+ Maintain data service when moving from foreign network coverage to home network coverage.

Call Features
+ When ending an incoming voice call, your smartphone will remain active.
+ Receive incoming calls without interruption.
+ While on a call, pressing Menu > Add Participant will properly place an additional call.
+ Successfully log in with your BlackBerry ID when connected to your corporate Wi-Fi network.
+ The device will remain connected to WWAN after downloading a file using VZAccess Manager and disconnecting the device from your computer.
+ City ID information displays properly with a contact’s company information within the Phone application

Enhanced by ZemantaPosted in BlackBerry (RIM), Verizon | Tagged 9850 Torch, 9930 Bold, blackberry, Verizon |

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News on Android Apps

UK Police Crime Data via Bobbies Android App » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+UK Police Crime Data via Bobbies Android AppUnder: Android OS Apps, Apps
Date: October 24th, 2011

Crime happens all across the United Kingdom and it is hard to keep up with what happens around you, well that could be the thing of the past. You can now check all the UK Police Crime Data via Bobbies Android app.

The new Bobbies Android app allows you to keep a track on crime, such as who has been robbed, threatened, stabbed and where the offence happened. This app basically grabs open source local time data for Wales and England making it searchable, it searches with maps and contact numbers and all sorts of vaguely reassuring local descriptions.

It is what we call a police officer in your pocket, there is a downside to this application; the data is a few month behind and only works in England and Wales.

We do like the fact that you can access data about the police force in your local neighbourhood; it will find emails and contact numbers for you. You can be kept informed about events that are happening around you, meaning you can go and meet certain police officials face-to-face.

More features will be added in the future, including the ability to view historic data and see how crime rates have changed over time. Please remember that this app is NOT official, for more information about Bobbies (UK Police Crime Data) (Free) please visit the Android Market.


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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

AT&T Reveals Next LTE Markets, Hints at First LTE Phones

By Humberto Saabedra on October 20, 2011

AT&T logoAT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega has confirmed that the next markets to launch LTE service will be Washington D.C. and Boston by the end of the year, while he also hinted at the carrier’s first LTE capable phones as being “thin with bright displays and feature long battery life”. de la Vega reiterated that the phones would still be launched in the fourth quarter, echoing previous statements by representatives concerning the availability of LTE capable phones. The comments came during this morning’s earnings call for the third quarter.

AT&T currently operates LTE in five markets with its current slate of compatible hardware in the Momentum 4G and the Elevate 4G while also carrying the HTC JetStream Android tablet, also featuring LTE.

Posted in General News | Tagged 4g, AT&T, LTE |

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T-Mobile Announces November 2nd Launch for HTC Radar 4G

By Humberto Saabedra on October 24, 2011

HTC Radar 4GT-Mobile has announced that its first Windows Phone Mango smartphone in the HTC Radar 4G will be launched next week on November 2nd for $149.99 after new 2 year agreement before an additional $50 mail-in rebate, bringing the total to $99.99. The phone features a 3.8 inch WVGA resolution touch display, second generation Qualcomm Snapdragon processor at 1GHz, 5.0 megapixel camera with dedicated camera button, LED flash and 720p video capture along with Wi-Fi N radio.

Posted in HTC, T-Mobile, Windows Phone | Tagged HTC, Radar 4G, T-Mobile, windows phone 7, Windows Phone Mango |

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Motorola to Update Droid Bionic to Ice Cream Sandwich

By Humberto Saabedra on October 20, 2011

Motorola Droid BionicMotorola representatives have confirmed that another recent Android smartphone in their lineup will be updated to Ice Cream Sandwich in 2012 along with their latest flagship in the Droid RAZR. In a conversation on Facebook Motorola has confirmed that it will update the Droid Bionic to Ice Cream Sandwich, with more specific details such as rollout scheduling and timing to be confirmed.

As the latest Android update continues to make its presence felt after first being announced earlier this week, more and more manufacturers are confirming plans to update phones to the new version of Android, though others, such as HTC are taking a more measured approach and refusing to immediately confirm plans to release hardware or updates at this time.

Motorola DROID BIONIC ICS Confirmation

Posted in Android, Motorola, Verizon | Tagged Android, DROID RAZR, Motorola, Motorola Droid Bionic |

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News on Motorola Droid RAZR

Droid RAZR AT&T Unlocked and up for pre-order » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Droid RAZR AT&T Unlocked and up for pre-orderUnder: Google Android, Mobile Phones, Motorola
Date: October 24th, 2011

As you probably know the latest Android beast of a smartphone from the Motorola camp and the latest addition to the Droid family of handsets and sporting the famous RAZR name is the new Motorola Droid RAZR, and the word is the Motorola Droid RAZR will be hitting the Big Red at some point commanding a price tag of $300, but if you don’t wish to go with Verizon for the Droid RAZR there is another option.

According to the guys over at Ubergizmo, the Motorola Droid RAZR sound be coming to AT&T at some stage, but if you want to grab the Android smartphone as an unlocked handset on AT&T the guys over at Mobile City Online have the device up for pre-order.

Apparently the unlocked Motorola Droid RAZR is a GSM version although it does tout GSM and WCDMA bands, although if you do prefer the unlocked Droid RAZR the device will hit your pocket for a hefty $599.99.

Specs for the Motorola Droid RAZR are, a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Advanced qHD Gorilla glass touch screen, 8 megapixel rear facing camera, HD front facing camera, 1080p video, Bluetooth 4.0, 1.2GHz dual core processor, Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread OS, 4G LTE connectivity, 1GB RAM, 32GB memory made up of 16GB internal and 16GB preinstalled microSD card.

If you are still sitting on the fence with the Motorola Droid RAZR, we posted a quick hand-on video previously, which you can check out by hitting up (here).

I figure the thing is if you really don’t wish to commit to the usual two-year contract then perhaps 600 bucks isn’t too high a price to shell out, although if you don’t mind that commitment you could hold off to see what AT&T offers the Droid RAZR for on contract.

Are you waiting to get your hands on the Motorola Droid RAZR, if so will you be opting for a contract or unlocked model? Feel free to let us know by dropping us a comment below.

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News on Motorola Droid RAZR

Droid RAZR AT&T Unlocked and up for pre-order » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Droid RAZR AT&T Unlocked and up for pre-orderUnder: Google Android, Mobile Phones, Motorola
Date: October 24th, 2011

As you probably know the latest Android beast of a smartphone from the Motorola camp and the latest addition to the Droid family of handsets and sporting the famous RAZR name is the new Motorola Droid RAZR, and the word is the Motorola Droid RAZR will be hitting the Big Red at some point commanding a price tag of $300, but if you don’t wish to go with Verizon for the Droid RAZR there is another option.

According to the guys over at Ubergizmo, the Motorola Droid RAZR sound be coming to AT&T at some stage, but if you want to grab the Android smartphone as an unlocked handset on AT&T the guys over at Mobile City Online have the device up for pre-order.

Apparently the unlocked Motorola Droid RAZR is a GSM version although it does tout GSM and WCDMA bands, although if you do prefer the unlocked Droid RAZR the device will hit your pocket for a hefty $599.99.

Specs for the Motorola Droid RAZR are, a 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Advanced qHD Gorilla glass touch screen, 8 megapixel rear facing camera, HD front facing camera, 1080p video, Bluetooth 4.0, 1.2GHz dual core processor, Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread OS, 4G LTE connectivity, 1GB RAM, 32GB memory made up of 16GB internal and 16GB preinstalled microSD card.

If you are still sitting on the fence with the Motorola Droid RAZR, we posted a quick hand-on video previously, which you can check out by hitting up (here).

I figure the thing is if you really don’t wish to commit to the usual two-year contract then perhaps 600 bucks isn’t too high a price to shell out, although if you don’t mind that commitment you could hold off to see what AT&T offers the Droid RAZR for on contract.

Are you waiting to get your hands on the Motorola Droid RAZR, if so will you be opting for a contract or unlocked model? Feel free to let us know by dropping us a comment below.

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Deal: Virgin Mobile LG Optimus Slider for $160.99

By Humberto Saabedra on October 22, 2011

LG Optimus Slider

Following the online launch of the LG Optimus Slider this past week, Virgin Mobile is continuing their sale on all Beyond Talk phones with the phone going for $160.99 before sales tax and free standard shipping with coupon code BRB20. The Optimus Q features a 3.2 inch touchscreen with a sliding QWERTY keyboard, Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) operating system, MicroSD slot, 3.2 megapixel camera and Bluetooth 3.0 along with a 3.5mm headphone jack. The phone will be launched on October 30th in Sprint stores, the 31st in Best Buy and Radio Shack stores and November 6th at Target and Walmart stores.

Posted in Android, Deals, LG, Virgin Mobile | Tagged LG Optimus Slider, Virgin Mobile |

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