Monday, January 31, 2011

The original Apple tools offered by Cybermart China

Apparently Apple is a new output in China for its iOS and the Chinese electronics retailer, where apparently Cybermart persons you can receive a fake iPhone, but soon will be able to buy authentic things Apple Mac tools and the new output.

According to the article about the Boy Genius report by Zach Epstein, DigiTimes is claiming that Cybermart international, which has become the property of other than the manufacturer of the iPhone distribution rights granted Foxconn offer products from Apple.

Word is plans to open Cybermart has some 500 Apple officially licensed warehouses throughout China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, with the first Apple store to open April 1 licensed, unless, of course, is a little strange really early April Fools.

Currently 34 Cybermart has in some electronic shops throughout China with 7 or 8, which stores more Open at the end of the year. Yes I am evaluating, where you can now officially offering the iPhone will no longer offer imitation Apple tools.

View the original article here

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