Thursday, May 27, 2010

Locking & t that settles class action suit

Leave comments written by Umberto Saabedra on 24 may, 2010AT & T

AT&T has filed a class action time a complaint against him, unlock code for your cellular phone between 12 March 1999 and 2 April 2010 which covers all handsets offered by leading, with the only exception is an iPhone applies. While the settlement will provide a refund to unlock offer codes for customers who meet the following criteria:

Customers whose accounts are postpaid at least 90 days of active service and good standing and have completed a prepaid accounts with a certificate or other evidence of Those who have their own ____. handsets that includes exclusive period of less than 10 months for at&T (who get an iPhone) wait 10 months has expired before it can get.

To determine the same sentence, or from, 4 postmark for final approval Ablage. Die is consulting on 2 June 2010 date June 2010 with additional information, see take place here.


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