Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sony Ericsson Xperia X 10 is a multi touch, or not?

Here is something interesting to say, at least, as if the items about Sony Ericsson Xperia x 10 and multi Touch is not sufficiently somewhat tedious, now plot thickens. If is omitted in the previous article, where Sony confirms that not receiving multi touch, seen here.

Thanks to report on, to share this one with us .it seems that now, after receiving the entire will debate touch multi device or won't it? Yes, he will, and then it is not impossible.

Now, but it seems If the video is real, that it may be getting multi touch after all the Xperia X 10 explains how to not get multi touch due to hardware limitations, but it has been said that it would be in a receipt update 2 Android.1.

And with that possibly multi touch support, as means of capturing only in software are now video that has been there and seems to be showing Xperia 10 x are used with multi tap. watch video and let your comments that make it? the value true or false? Will see 10 X Xperia with multi touch, or not?

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