Thursday, April 22, 2010

Video: iPhone 4 g Is HD casting, rants

How seriously toured iPhone 4 g for boys Is still played by from without doubt much more it below. We have a video for your viewing pleasure, which adds a little humor for the situation and gives it a tad more page.

A word of warning before jumping everything in the past and press the play button below the video contains some offensive language and if you are offended by inauguration anyway And advise is omitted, watch video, which is provided through portable daily via passionemobobile.

Injures said he must say that this video with the muppet Steve Jobs Is ranting about outing the iPhone precious HD 4 G is funny and employment, saying that the iPhone that HD is canceled and the possible images only real projects, having such a match, when he Is has splashed his new iPhone the entire show.

I will stop there and let those who want to help your boss rant below and please do so and without hatred for Guys with the message Is

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Samsung restore Eco friendly, coming this summer

Sprint and Samsung Mobile announced yesterday by phone marking, friendly ecological known as restoration of Samsung. Intention to new handset is strengthening both solutions compromise in providing green businesses for mobile phone users, in accordance with article courtesy of

That includes one click Sprint user interface, customizable and provides users with technology and environmentally friendliness of different pleasant.

This is the second device Greens with both companies and that become available for purchase in the summer months through all sales channels Sprint Handset has retail. price tag $ 49.99, which will contain the signature of the agreement for a period of two years, and after a $ 50 discount.

Restoring Samsung qualifies logo Sprint echo is also committed to the wireless industry's leading companies in the sense of responsibility. Restore environmental friendly marking is the third phone and Sprint brings to market and connect already popular Samsung, we can provide retrieve previously here.

Restore the slide includes Specifications, full QWERTY keyboard, along with a 2-megapixel camera with video recording capabilities are Bluetooth and microSD card slot supporting up to 32 GB of extra storage.On the 2 GB is included with purchase.

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IPhone smaller 3.0 and iPhone 3GS fixesHas and issues 3.1 new updates messed up one of Your iPhone?3.1 iPhone Tethering: restoring VoicemailHow Visual fix error in 1604 in iPhone 3.1.3 custom claims Suit RestoreClass action against t Mobile Sidekick Fiasco on

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Philips run Xenium 510 X Dual SIM PhoneHTC Droid Incredible sent early because GlitchAndroid Froyo 2.2 can hit in may, are tested NowHTC Hero upgrade postponed again now return with 4 g iPhone JuneLost taken as a hoax by Apple?HTC say disruption in air volcano affect their transfers

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FARMVILLE, Virginia Facebook Madness Coming to iPhone and Android

Can this everything is real? Apparently Farmville, Virginia Facebook very popular is distributed on a Smartphone near you, including the iPhone, Android and iPad.

Lovers of Farmville, Virginia will not only be able to play this addictive laptops and desktops, but mobile phones, there may be some kind of text message-based game may be in the works.

Mashable has reported that blog Supererogatory encountered some interesting news about domain names, such as,, and was registered DNStination Inc, for those who don't know DNStination are third-party company that includes

Farmville, Virginia has about 80-million users, so it is time for mobile phone users got Farmville, Virginia in their equipment, believes that this game will work well for phones?

Just a quick reminder for you, 4.0 the iPhone get social with Facebook integrated, read more about this here.

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Red Apple iPhone and Apple iPhone Air?Apple iPhone 4 GB Apple iPhone Nano?Apple iPhone 3 g launch brand Buy online tooliPhone Apple SDK sends new buildsiPhone 4.0: what comes after firmware 3.0?

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Philips run Xenium 510 X Dual SIM PhoneHTC Droid Incredible sent early because GlitchAndroid Froyo 2.2 can hit in may, are tested NowHTC Hero upgrade postponed again now return with 4 g iPhone JuneLost taken as a hoax by Apple?HTC say disruption in air volcano affect their transfers

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Telefonica known as MoviStar Ex

Word has it through article about Telefonica intomobile that Spain is about to get a name change and will rebrand its MoviStar between American networks in accordance with article on mobile business briefing.

Apparently Press Europe is reporting that lasts longer in Chile and this is the first drive in the region, to replace the name Telefonica MoviStar and other markets were allocated to retag as of 1 May.

Company's idea is to rebrand all markets outside of the countries of Northern Europe and under the banner of MoviStar, while in Central and Northern Europe, the company will continue to use the name O2, but they also still use character Telefonica institutional reasons.

Apparently is all part of a strategy for 3 years by Telefonica and named

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X 10 is a multi touch, or not?

Here is something interesting to say, at least, as if the items about Sony Ericsson Xperia x 10 and multi Touch is not sufficiently somewhat tedious, now plot thickens. If is omitted in the previous article, where Sony confirms that not receiving multi touch, seen here.

Thanks to report on, to share this one with us .it seems that now, after receiving the entire will debate touch multi device or won't it? Yes, he will, and then it is not impossible.

Now, but it seems If the video is real, that it may be getting multi touch after all the Xperia X 10 explains how to not get multi touch due to hardware limitations, but it has been said that it would be in a receipt update 2 Android.1.

And with that possibly multi touch support, as means of capturing only in software are now video that has been there and seems to be showing Xperia 10 x are used with multi tap. watch video and let your comments that make it? the value true or false? Will see 10 X Xperia with multi touch, or not?

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Sony Ericsson XPERIA X 2 gets played around withSony Ericsson XPERIA X 2 possibly announced next weekSony Ericsson Xperia X 1 Review3 video for free from Sony Ericsson XPERIA X 1 in NovemberVideos: views of Sony Ericsson XPERIA X 2

The latest phones review

Philips run Xenium 510 X Dual SIM PhoneHTC Droid Incredible sent early because GlitchAndroid Froyo 2.2 can hit in may, are tested NowHTC Hero upgrade postponed again now return with 4 g iPhone JuneLost taken as a hoax by Apple?HTC say disruption in air volcano affect their transfers

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Apple profits and actions: If covered by sales of the iPhone should is a price?

Today we have launched Apple reported record sales of iPhone, you can see our article on (here), but essentially Apple executives are screaming loudly as possible that sales of the iPhone are

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HTC uses Facebook to choose a new name for your phone

Therefore, if you have a new phone, but is not suitable for your device, just as you can go about naming it? Well if you are the creator of such Smartphones, such as the HTC Droid Incredible recently unboxed in video, node, desire HTC and legend of HTC seems this turn to social networking site Facebook.

In accordance with article about mobile computing HTC Touch does messages from crowdsourcing in Facebook through requiring Facebook users to choose a name for your new handset, which is a type in a unique way to do this, you say.

HTC provide options enable you to select preferred mobile and gorliwość HTC, HTC Festi, HTV Jovi and HTC Wildfire and also say that they are looking for a name that is

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Show the BlackBerry bold 9700 Korean press – only beginning RIM

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Verizon Wireless Gets Certified green stores 60 communication

Looks like big red became more energy efficiency in accordance with article posted by prnewswire, 60 stores Verizon Communications has received recognition for energy efficiency by the environmental protection agency, which is a maximum of 32 stores in 2009.

59 Energy Verizon stores won star certification and is the highest of any wireless carrier in addition 2 communications stores newly built were among the first to request and obtain leadership in energy and environmental design, Leeds for certification short, because the US Green Building Council.

To enable network shops, were effective, Verizon Wireless was used equipment star products recycled content energy energy ends, dignified more meetings with low-flow plumbing, construction and operation of waste reduction, effective, efficient HVAC, lighting and power management and system monitoring.

In addition, all stores Verizon Wireless HopeLine function collection containers which buyers phone you can drop off your old and help the environment and the survivors of domestic violence and all donated phones are recycled and refurbished with funds raised will be cash grants, telephones, and air time to domestic violence agencies and survivors.

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HTC say disruption in air volcano affect their transfers

All of us probably know someone who has been affected by the eruption volcano in Iceland, one way or another, probably somewhere lost messages waiting for stopping flight should be corrected.

But how many of us really understood outside our own Windows, the cloud of ash simply has not been affected travellers waiting to board flights. Most cell phones are shipped via aircraft. to date, the impact it has on the suppliers is variable.

Reseller in Sweden has suffered some delays short. most phones, manufacturers have provided their shipment to countries where the airport remained open, and then traveled to send phones via trucks to their destinations as Daniel Lindholm Director dealers Swedish House phone for trucks. switching (as apposed to plans caused a delay of 3 days.

Most phones come to Europe from Asia and maker HTC Smartphone, which are also delivered by air, said that the problem in Europe did not have their movements, until now there is no shortage of HTC phones and we can not predict, all Maggie Cheng said his agent HTC.

Unfortunately, not all operators have been so lucky. Swedish 3 operator saw affect availability desire HTC, the shortage is not just caused by popularity both desire and also one node, but the ash cloud has aggregated situation confirms the Ombudsman on 3.


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Verizon HTC incredible is the node one in red?Date of publication with incredible Verizon HTC manual is outside the Droid SmartphoneHTC Incredible HTC Incredible Twitter Incredible ConfirmationHTC captured on video nowVerizon

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Philips run Xenium 510 X Dual SIM PhoneHTC Droid Incredible sent early because GlitchAndroid Froyo 2.2 can hit in may, are tested NowHTC Hero upgrade postponed again now return with 4 g iPhone JuneLost taken as a hoax by Apple?

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IPhone lost functions return a 4 g as a hoax by Apple?

Its easy to blame a posteriori when something so important as iPhone generation gets put on the net, but when defining down to the bottom line is really in to blame? Boy, which originally lost, Is for payment of $ 5000 for him and reveals its claim for the masses or Apple, to think that someone returning iPhone was simply a hoax?

Now probably know how everything Is thrown away after went public with iPhone 4 g, net were living with the subject of recent days.

However, for allocating blame on the Security tab up with iPhone 4, Apple must have its surface so as not to have a man who lost it, but then Apple has enabled have use Apple devices outside the camp.

Is Ma, which should come through as they go public with their knowledge, but then as I said earlier, no site tech well in this position would probably have done the same.

But the Guys over at Is posted article which explains what happened when font attempted to deliver the Apple iPhone absent and that is how it fell in short representatives from Apple, who got the call

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Upgrade from Hero HTC postponed again now Jun

Not good news HTC Hero users there who still wait for the update to the latest version of Android as according to the report on has going on.

My round time reported that updating hero already was and delayed here. Now, it seems that it was even more ... most of us hoped update Android to land this month, how is that what we were lead to believe.

However, to start navigation in the Google Maps team Google accidentally let slip that the hero would receive updates needed HTC in June, and in April which we originally thought.

Unfortunately this is since then confirmed by HTC on instructions that says

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Android Froyo 2. 2 may-hit in may, now being tested

Fans and Google Android may seem to push the next version of the operating system Android Android 2. 2, which is known as Froyo, in accordance with article about unwired view that scored information via the Guys over at me and android.

The word is sources see that Google is currently testing Android Froyo 2.2 and that there is a good chance that there are several phones Android 2.2 beyond most frequently used by employees with Google.

Feeling is that Google may only announce Android 2.2 the 19 may at its annual i/o Conference in San Francisco, and rumour is the first smartphone Android for Android Froyo 2.2 this node.

As for Android Froyo 2.2 must rumour is that it may contain additional free RAM, compiler JT, allowing FM, OpenGL extensions ES 2.0, support for Flash 10.1 and activation color trackball. how and when we heard.

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Video: Google They Gets PreviewedChance Google Nexus node to win OneNexus go up against the iPhone in a & TVideo: node each LookNexus They Gets Made exceeded by ColorWare

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Philips Xenium X 510 dual SIM PhoneHTC Droid Incredible sent early due to the GlitchHTC Hero upgrade post again postponed now JuneLost iPhone G 4 return taken as hoax by Apple?HTC say disruption in air volcano affect their transfers

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The incredible early enabled damage HTC Droid

Now it seems few lucky fans android Web company Verizon who received Your Smartphone HTC Droid Incredible slightly earlier than the posting date previously reported on 29 April in accordance with article over on engadget.

Apparently, some types of crashes with big red, which allowed sending direct HTC Droid Incredible some had pre-ordered. They noted that these are shipped in package, which says HTC incredible, Incredible instead Droid.

There were rozkrzyczany apparent

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Philips run Xenium X Dual SIM phone 510

Although Philips are not as popular as Nokia or Sony Ericsson when it comes to mobile phones, which does not mean that its bezcenny ignore on offer.

The company intends to launch a new phone to its scope, known as range Xenium, and the latter device is known as 510 x.

Probably the most remarkable feature of this Philips mobile is that to a dual SIM, which is less common outside of China. TAM availability X Xenium 510 is yet not words, but can we assume that in countries, including China and Russia, where two SIM phones are slightly more common.

Some specifications of the Xenium are that screen QVGA touchscreen, cale 3.1 also has handwriting camera, Bluetooth, 2 megapixel camera, a microSD card support and GSM dual immediately we information ... or other specifications and/or details of Liberation and the price will let you know.


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Philips Xenium × 810 prefer touchscreenNew Xenium Philips 550 and 810 X: Xenium quick SpecsPhilips X 700 to Europe and China soonPhilips Special Edition 9 Xenium

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Impetus for iPhone welcomed 4

Yet another Apple announcement, this time in relation to support for VPN, SSL, new iPhone OS 4. 0, which will increase options for companies that want to place the iPhone securely on your company's it environment.

Although it seems that some additional amendments required. Apple announcement stated that the new iPhone OS 4.0 launched in beat, ultimately with SSL-VPN, includes support for future uses of Juniper and Cisco.

Brendan Lewis, Director corporate social media relations for Juniper said in a blog, which is great news for companies

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