Monday, January 23, 2012

News on iPhone 6

iPhone 6 curve 3D, eye control: possible game changer » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+iPhone 6 curve 3D, eye control: possible game changerUnder: Apple iPhone, Mobile Phones
Date: January 20th, 2012

We recently struck up a conversation about 3D technology being introduced to the next model iPhone. As we mentioned, this rumor started after a patent application was leaked with a title of “Sensor Based Display Environment”. It pointed towards the next step in 3D upgrade unveiling a possible motion control feature.

Now moving on, talk of even further advancements in 3D technology have stirred an iPhone 6 concept. Which as Concept Phones reported, could see the introduction of 3D sound and 3D hologram interaction, with eye and voice control.

Looking at the image we see an interesting curved device, which apparently would enhance features of current screens. Measuring 4.3-inches of Super AMOLED Plus display, 3D hologram control could be a possibility. As well as being curved the overall design is said to be slimmer and for some reason better on battery power.

Obviously processing speeds will be lightning fast with a dual core unit installed, and no doubt other high-end components to match. We still have a long way to go before we see this kind of device hitting the shelves, but it is always good to whet our appetites. Tell us if you can see 3D hologram technology benefiting us on phones of the future?


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dual core? try quad-core A6?.. The A5 already uses a dual core processor 

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News on Megaupload

File sharing service Megaupload down and out » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+File sharing service Megaupload down and outUnder: Phone Software
Date: January 20th, 2012

We are all aware of the ability to upload files from the Internet, and how easy it can be made through a wide range of file-sharing sites. Megaupload was one of these sites that provided the users opportunity to upload and download from other users.

However the news at the moment is swamped with reports of a Megaupload shut down by the Feds. Charges consisting of, racketeering conspiracy, conspiring to commit copyright infringement, conspiring to commit money laundering and two counts of criminal copyright infringement, have been placed on the company.

At the front of the hearing stands Kim DotCom, born Kim Schmitz, along with three associates. According to a report by Droid Life, Megaupload made more than $175 million in illegally obtained profits, leading to over $500 million in damages to copyright holders.

Across the news were clips of property being removed from a number of locations including “The DotCom Mansion” owned by Schmitz. Various items including a range of high-end vehicles from Lamborghini’s to Maserati’s were seized. It was commented that DotCom enjoyed an extravagant lifestyle before his arrest. Give us your thoughts on the Megaupload story.


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News on HTC Titan

Are you having HTC Titan signal and sound problems? » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Are you having HTC Titan signal and sound problems?Under: HTC, Mobile Phones
Date: January 20th, 2012

As we report on rumors of Apple’s next iPhone 5 and even possible features of the iPhone 6, it is easy to forget the sticky situation that the Cali Company went through when it first introduced its iPhone 4. Of course we are talking about the antenna gate issue that struck a black cloud over Apple and questioned its signal performance.

Although this problem seems to have passed for Apple, a new report shows that it’s not just the iPhone that can suffer. According to Phone Arena, HTC has been tarred with the same brush on its Titan model. Similar issues regarding signal drops whilst gripping the device have been mixed with reported muffled sound quality for those that you are calling from the smartphone.

In a letter sent from the HTC support team to an HTC Titan user, the manufacturer confirms that they are aware of the issue but are unsure as to the reason. Obviously HTC are working at resolving the issue with the muffles user voice sounds from the other end of the connection, but have advised users to keep a check on the HTC web site or its related social media sites for any announcements.

It has been pointed out that the Taiwan based manufacturer had replaced the Titans metal based shell on the Titan II, and questions have been raised about why the II was released within two months of the original model? Do you think that this was just coincidental, or are you a Titan user that has suffered similar problems? Let us know.


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News on iOS games

Soul Calibur for iPhone / iPad just too expensive » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+Soul Calibur for iPhone / iPad just too expensiveUnder: Apps, iOS Apps
Date: January 19th, 2012

Many gamers have been waiting for the highly popular Soul Calibur game to release in the App Store; and we mentioned this a few days ago, the dating was correct; well at long last you can now download this arcade favourite for your iPhone or iPad but at a cost.

We have had many emails asking when Soul Calibur will release on the iPhone, and now you can download the game produced by Namco and developed by Project Soul.

Personally this game is just too expensive, you really do have to be a hardcore fan to pay a stonking £7.99 (US $11.99) and this is a price given for a limited time meaning it will be even higher. Sorry, we love games but not this much.

This game contains 19 characters, and all of their moves have been faithfully recreated. It is compatible with iOS 4.3 or greater, game modes include arcade battle, time attack, survival, extra survival, museum, and practice.

Will you be downloading Soul Calibur? If you do decide to say yes, then head on over to the App Store right now and install it.


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News on iPhone 3G

iPhone 3G iOS 5: Does Whited00r work? » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+iPhone 3G iOS 5: Does Whited00r work?Under: Apple iPhone, Phone Software
Date: January 20th, 2012

If you own an iPhone 3G then obviously when Apple delivers iOS 5 the latest Apple operating system wasn’t for you; however, that’s not to say that you can’t take advantage of what iOS 5 has to offer. The guys over at Whited00r community have fore quite some time been remanufacturing Apple’s software and they have previously brought iOS 4 to the iPhone 3G.

And now according to the guys over at iDownload Blog, Whited00r now has a customised version for iOS 5 that can be downloaded from the Whited00r website and running iTunes; however there are apparently a couple of things you should be aware of.

Apparently the custom firmware doesn’t support Notification Center, whilst its iCloud is basically a front-end redesigned Dropbox sync feature, and the biggest kicker of all is that Whited00r for iOS 5 doesn’t have the App Store, so no apps.

However the custom firmware does include such features as multitasking, the Cydia Store, numerous pre-installed jailbreak tweaks and custom wallpapers.

The guys say they haven’t managed to check out Whited00r on an older Apple device so aren’t too sure if it works as it says it does, however apparently initial feedback looks to be positive. For those iOS faithful that would like to try our Whited00r you can find ll the necessary by hitting up HERE.

Of course if any of our iPhone 3G toting readers out there do install Whited00r we would love you to let us know if it does indeed work, so feel free to drop us a line to our comments area below.

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this is bullshit !!!


WTF r u talkin a bout it does have appstore….. inform urself before writing junk

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News on LG Optimus Pad LTE

LG Optimus Pad LTE tablet: Hopeful winner » Phone Reviews All NewsiPhoneBlackBerryAndroidHTCLGMotorolaSamsungSony EricssonNokiaVideo   Add Mark Chubb (Phones Review CEO) to your Circles on Google+LG Optimus Pad LTE tablet: Hopeful winnerUnder: Tablet PC
Date: January 20th, 2012

Well now, LG has finally got round to officially announcing the Android 3.2 Honeycomb LG Optimus Pad LTE tablet, which will launch in South Korea initially just like the LG Optimus LTE smartphone, and is the company’s first LTE enabled slate, but will the LG Optimus Pad LTE be a winner against rival tablets?

According to the guys over at the Boy Genius Report, spec wise the LG Optimus Pad LTE tablet packs an 8.9-inch True HD IPS 1280 x 720 pixel resolution display along with a 1.5GHz dual core processor, 8 megapixel rear facing camera, and 2 megapixel front facing camera.

The LG Optimus Pad LTE also offers an SD card slot expandable up to 32GB, HDMI out, Smart Movie Editor, On-Screen Phone (OSP) delivering compatibility with LG smartphones, DNLA and a 6800mAh battery.

As stated above, the LG Optimus Pad LTE will come out to play running Android Honeycomb, and unfortunately there is no word on whether the Optimus Pad LTE will seen an update to Android Ice Cream Sandwich in future.

The Android tablet measures 245 x 151.4 x 9.34mm and weighs in at 497 grams, and currently there is no confirmed release date or pricing available or whether the Optimus Pad LTE will come to the USA, but it wouldn’t surprise to see a US version at some point.

However, with numerous other Android rival tablets out that and of course the Apple iPad, could the LG Optimus Pad LTE be a hopeful winner and compete?

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